Handmade ties and fashion accessories in Italy

B2B sale

Estimates on products in the catalog or customized even with the customer's brand, for shopkeepers and retailers in the sector.

Promotional Realization

An excellent opportunity to strengthen your brand during trade fairs, business events and more. Ties, Foulards and other accessories customized with the customer's logo.

Pairings for Ceremony

Coordinated accessories for the groom. Ties, Plastron, Braces, Papillon and Vest also made in the same fabric and pattern.

Ties Adjustments and Repairs

Repair, replacement of the interior and restyling of vintage ties.

Clothing Adjustments and Repairs

Tailoring repairs, hems to shorten jeans, trousers, skirts, sleeves and curtains. Zipper replacement for jackets and sweatshirts. 

Pressing and Slotting

Complementary services such as buttonhole and thermo-adhesive for collars, placket, bands, etc. 

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Send us your request

For information relating to tailor-made creations for the public, quotes for clothing stores, or simple advice and clarifications on the products on sale in the shop, we are happy to answer you as soon as possible during opening hours from Monday to Friday.

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